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BR4P 2024 Newport-Bristol 

03 Aug '24

A lovely day for a ride

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to Pump'n'Pedal - BR4P prep 5 

29 Jul '24

Lovely sunny morning, hot though. Straight up the old A30 to the P&P. Up, uP, UP - but without actually stopping. 1hr 45 mins for 25.2km at 14.4km/hr to get there. Coffee and flapjack and th

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Ride The Wall (Drakes Trail) for Gaza 

02 Mar '24

This track is missing the return from Yelverton to Coypool - same route as on the way up

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Home Trebullett Kenards House Loop 23km 

24 Jan '24

Dry grey day, 4 steep hills to Trebullett so average speed well down.

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Merrivale to Alder Valley Vineyard OAB 33.5km 

12 Jan '24

Coldish grey day, little wine, nice winter ride with a comfortable light lunch half-way (focaccia & humous). Average 16.3km/hr. 480m ascent

  •  Alder Valley Vineyard Cafe 


Home Boyton Chapman's Well Loop 

05 Jan '24

Coldish morning loop from home. 25km with 425m ascent

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North Petherwin - Boyton Loop from home 

13 Dec '23

A fine afternoon for a ride, not too cold, not too windy, and not too hilly

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Home - Markstone out-and-back 

06 Dec '23

A short cold ride up a long steep hill... and back again

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Home Clubworthy Loop 5th Nov 2023 

05 Nov '23

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Holsworthy 50 18th August 2023 

18 Aug '23

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BR4P 2023 Day 3 Newport to Bristol 

05 Aug '23

Gales forecast, but the bridge reopened in time for us

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BR4P 2023 Day 2 Cardiff to Newport 

04 Aug '23

not direct, but up into the valleys

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BR4P 2023 Day 1 Swansea to Cardiff 

03 Aug '23

Relatively flat

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Duncton to Rogate Loop 40 miles 

21 Jul '23

this is a test description

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Chichecter Chilgrove Loop 

19 Jul '23

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Chichester to Hayling Island loop 30 miles 

17 Jul '23

map summary

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Home CanworthyWater N.Petherwin Loop 25th June 2023 

25 Jun '23

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Kirkwall to Burwick Ferry 2nd June 2023 

02 Jun '23

Better than on the way out on 31st May - for some reason that one failed to record - it was the reverse of this

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Scotland 2023 Melvich oab 29th May 

29 May '23

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Scotland 2023 Altandhu loop 26th May 

26 May '23

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Comberbach loop 26th May 2023 

23 May '23

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Eddie the Dog Memorial 2 

06 May '23

A slightly modified version from last year as Willow Wlk was closed for the day (some stupidity in London)

Full description 51 words

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Home loop CrossGate 19km 

19 Feb '23

A short afternoon ride with Jane to get the legs moving

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Pipers Pool - Tresmeer Loop 5th Feb 2023 

05 Feb '23

A lovely Sunday afternoon ride in good weather.

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Bodmin-Padstow oab 

21 Jan '23

The length of the CamelValley trail on a Saturday afternoon.Tea in Wadebridge on the way back (no tea shoppe in Padstow)

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